A Prepper Update and World Travel

Hello friends, I haven’t forgotten about you.  Just an update because I’ve been incredibly busy but have gained so much knowledge and  perspective that I cannot wait to share with all of you.  I’ve been doing some extensive traveling here in the country as well as the world, most notably: Africa.  I cannot wait to write an article about The Dark Continent and the associated experiences and travel.   I think as preppers we tend to hunker down, stay safe, keep around us what we know will sustain us.  Imagine traveling to the other side of the planet for extended periods with not even a pocket knife, a small first aid kit and moving in and through deserts and  small villages.  That’s living, serious living.  It has taught me so much about the world and  especially preparedness.

I’ve also come back to an inbox loaded with collaboration requests, product review requests and folks who want to write for this blog.  I will be going through all of them and  replying.  More to follow.

I remember a time (and probably wrote about it on here years ago) where the idea of being somewhere in the country or the world (without my preps) if T-SHTF was a terrifying thought to me.  Wow, what a terrible way to live life.  There has to be balance for sure.

Chat soon


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    • keebler on July 1, 2024 at 2:25 PM
    • Reply

    Glad your still alive too.

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