Author's posts

Water Storage (5 Years Later)

Water storage = life. Have you ever forgotten to pay your water bill or maybe your well pump gave out? Both have happened to me and I’m pretty sure I hit the faucet to turn it on (with no results) at least 50 times a day. We all use a LOT of water. What’s the …

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You panicked and bought 9mm at 70 cents a round…

Think of all the recent times in the last 10-15 years where the sky was falling and people surged to buy firearms or ammunition, or even worse snatched up all sorts of reloading supplies with the intent to “figure it out” if T-SHTF.  Two thoughts about that: 1- Most people never train with their firearm(s), …

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Checking In…

What’s up my peoples!  Sending this out to the X number of subscribers this blog has, it’s been quite a while since I posted but I’ve made some major changes and wanted to share.  I’m still prepping but the whole Covid thing (whatever it was, or wasn’t) really forced me to step back and take …

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Winter PCC’s and PCI’s (Snow on 08 SEP 2020)

08 SEP 2020 and the snow is falling, it has been all day and will continue through the night.  Our last snow was early June and our first snow is early September, just the way I like it.  The temps have plummeted from the 80’s to the 20’s and it’s fantastic, bring on the cold …

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2020 Election Predictions (Read: Chaos)

I was on the phone with my dad earlier this evening and we were discussing the upcoming elections, it’s my belief what we are seeing currently is a precursor to some pretty heavy events that are going to stress the fabric of our nation to its very core.  So far most of us have been …

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Winter Preparations / Mountain Living

It was a little warm today working outside but it had to be done, have been putting off the chores for a while but the realization that our last snow was in mid June and our next snow will probably be in late Sep got me off my butt.  By warm I mean it was …

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Water: Still a TOP Prep and often Overlooked

Here I sit, dead in the water (or without water).  Every tap in the house is dry and I’ve got a well tech coming out in a few hours to tell me how much money this is going to cost me, I’m guessing somewhere between 1-2k [update: $2400] because these things are never cheap.  I’ve …

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Preparing for this Fall (Read: this ain’t over)

This post might be speculative intertwined with a bit of what could be considered conspiracy-ish but the good news is being over prepared never really hurt anyone.  In short I’m thinking this is the lull before the real storm during which we might face even greater challenges than we saw in the spring.  A few …

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Weapons Training: What’s The Goal?

I can remember back in the late 90’s going to the rifle range as a young Soldier, if I recall it was twice a year.  We would get 18 rounds to zero our rifles and then 40 rounds to qualify on the range.  Outside of any other live fire training (not likely) that amounted to …

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Body Armor: In Every Vehicle (Civil Unrest)

For probably 5 years now I’ve made it a standard policy for everyone to have body armor in their vehicle, that being myself / wife / daughter.  I have plate carrier with Level 4 ceramic plates and they both have soft Level 3 armor.  You might be thinking it’s a little on the extreme side …

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Growing my hair out, shaving my face, riding a bike, cooking and shooting

Haven’t posted in a little while, been riding this out like most of you out there.  This will be more of a human side of PJ update and I suspect it will resonate, not that I’m doing what you are doing but hey…might share some good thoughts.  First things first, here is what I’m listening …

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SHTF: People with Fantasies of “Going to the Mountains”

Before I get into this I should point out that I am very thankful that I am not on Facebook, Instagram or Twitter.  My wife was reading out some of the posts and comments on the local community FB page with respect to this virus, hilarious and sad at the same time.  I think the …

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Checkpoints: Greasing the skids and acting like you’ve been there before…

Last ski season my wife and I were attempting to park in a lot which was close to the resort, after all nobody wants to walk further than they have to.  I pulled up to a sign that said “Lot Full” and a parking attendant turning people away.  He came up to the truck and …

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You Won’t Be Able to Do That After T-SHTF

How many times have you heard this as a canned response to just about anything?  I’ve seen it in the comments section here and in other blogs, people are quick to point out that after T-SHTF (think a major event), whatever it is that is being discussed will not be relevant and therefore the author …

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Layering Food Storage (and a trip to Costco)

Prepping is like investing in the stock market, there will be highs and lows but you must be steady with your inputs understanding that commons sense and patience wins the day.  Certainly if one is starting from zero there is a baseline that must be achieved (typically this might look like 1 month of supplies …

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