Chances are you have a Bugout Bag ready to go in your basement with (at minimum) enough supplies to last you 3 days should you have to quickly evacuate your homestead on short notice. Besides food and water what you have inside your bag is usually based on some sort of generic packing list, slightly …
Category: Bugging Out
Nov 13
The Priorities of Work
The S has Hit The Fan with full force, you have been forced to evacuate your home and are on the move to your Bugout location. You might be in a vehicle, on a bicycle, or on foot. Most likely you are with a group of people, your immediate family and a couple close friends …
Nov 12
Bugout Checklist
Bugging out is a huge topic of interest within the prepper community. Whether getting out ahead of a storm or leaving the homestead after all options have been exhausted (post collapse) the need to bug out is a very real possibility and should be thought through (and practiced) at length. I recently wrote about refining …
Sep 13
Refining your BugOut strategy.
The concept of “Bugging Out” is a popular one amongst preppers. The term BugOut refers to quickly getting out of a bad situation before it turns into a really bad and possibly life threatening situation. When threatened by a hurricane, wildfire, chemical spill, or even volcanic eruption people are forced to BugOut whether they like …
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