Everyday carry is a popular subject, often interlaced with the two is one and one is none concept. There are multiple ends of the spectrum as with anything, folks who go bare essentials and others who have 2 or 3 of everything they carry (read: redundancy) complete with stuff loaded into cargo pockets and strapped to their ankles – or in the pockets of their super incognito fisherman’s vest. I must admit that my EDC loadout changes sometimes as I tweak things or change out kit, what follows is a long term review of the items I have carried on my person for at least the last year. I should add one note in that I do not believe my personal loadout is the be all end all, everyone has their preferences which align with their comfort level and training.

EDC Loadout
You’ll see in the above picture my basic loadout, I’ve included my belt because I think that is a very important and often overlooked item. After all almost everything pictured hangs off of my belt, that leather braided belt from 1991 won’t cut it in 2017 if one is serious about stability and comfort.
Glock 19 / Surefire XC1 / G Code XC1 Inside the Waistband (IWB) Holster

Glock 19 with Surefire XC1
I won’t spend much time here as everyone has their personal preference with respect to weapons but I totally dig the Glock 19. I’ve carried many other weapons and I think the Glock 19 offers the best combination of concealment and performance. The Surefire XC1 is a great light which isn’t too bulky, I’ve seen folks run a Streamlight TLR IWB and it’s just too much for me. Granted the XC1 doesn’t put out as much light but it does the trick. All this fits nicely into the G Code holster, a nice sturdy holster which is also very comfortable and functional. I’ve run many holsters in the past and my current favorite and go to is the G Code (I have two of them).;
Benchmade Mini Barrage (Serrated)

Benchmade Pocket Knife
This has been a fantastic pocket knife which I use almost on a daily basis. I’ve done everything from start fires with it to cut gouda cheese on the countertop. I have carried a few knives in the past and for me this size (2.91 inch blade) is perfect, I’ve yet to encounter a situation where I wished I had a larger blade. The blade does keep its edge very well, I use a Spyderco Tri Angle sharpener to tighten it up occasionally.
Casio Pro Trek Watch

Casio Pro Trek
I’ve worn this watch just about every day for over 2 years and have found it to be a key addition to my EDC. Although it has a boatload of features I primarily use it for: current time and date, stopwatch, altitude check, compass (occasionally). The fact that it keeps a charge via the sun is a bonus, no batteries to worry about changing out. I’ve worn it on long hikes and jumped out of airplanes with it, it’s a great watch at a decent price point.
KA-BAR TDI Law Enforcement Knife

KA BAR TDI Self Defense Knife
I run this knife on my left side, pretty much centered between my spare mag holder and belt buckle. Good placement for a quick grab with my non-dominant hand but still accessible with my other hand. Fortunately I’ve never had to use this knife but it is there in case I need it. The small kydex holster with clip work well and slide in and out nicely.
Bravo Concealment Spare Mag Carrier

Bravo Concealment Mag Carrier
Lots of options out there for spare mag carriers, all of which pretty much do the same thing. I will say that I prefer to run a single mag carrier, OWB, on my left hip. It’s what is comfortable for me and even though I carry my Glock 19 IWB (Appendix) I still prefer my spare mag to be in the traditional location.
5.11 1.75 inch TDU Duty Belt

5.11 Duty Belt
Simple, sturdy, effective. This belt really doesn’t have any of the fancy features of many other duty belts but at $15 who is going to complain? These can be picked up just about anywhere and are reversible for all of those who need to color coordinate. Great belt which I highly recommend.
The Bottom Line
There is no one right answer to EDC, what I run and you run may be completely different. What I run today I might not be using in 6 months or a year as I try out new gear or make adjustments in what I carry. I do believe the most important thing is that the gear you carry is tested, ready to use and comfortable in an all day (wearing it) setting. On a final note I should mention that I sometimes run a CAT-TQ and Quikclot Combat Gauze on my person but when I do not it’s always within reach. Since I do not carry those items 100% of the time I intentionally left them out. Good luck with your own EDC and remember to train with it!
Personally, I think that you should add a small independent flashlight (pulling out your gun/light to look for something you dropped could be awkward in many situations) and a lighter/ferro rod is IMHO a must; fire rocks! Hopefully you carry a metal lifer cup (coffee cup)/canteen with you at all times; the ability to safely carry liquids can be a life safer.
You include a watch and belt as part of your EDC but not your wallet? I bet you use your wallet contents more than your gun? When you leave your home what one item would you not mind to have left behind? So do you need it? What about a mobile phone?
Having the legal restrictions here in the UK most of your kit is illegal! But in the last 50 years I’ve not had any need to carry either a knife or a gun in ‘normal’ life. (I did have both before the gov.confiscated and disarmed our citizens)
I do carry a selection of blades with me, as multi tools in a various locations and my EDC changes to match my activities.