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Republican or Democrat?

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    Your saying liberal dems are unhappy with the president. The only times I have heard them complain is that he didn’t go farther left faster.

    I’m just over the party fighting r or d we get less liberty. So my question isn’t is r or d by your name, but rather are you for big government or small. Do you ensure the constitution is upheld or do you think it’s an old dusty piece of paper with outdated ideas.

    The constitution is there there to limit the government from taking away our liberties. Liberties that would exist if there was no government. If our liberties are infringed by both parties which are supposed polar opposites that tells me we have a bigger problem than any one person.

    This cancer is deep.


    Right, Echo5, that’s what I mean; there are a lot of politicians that want to enact all these liberal laws that take away our freedom. But then there are politicians that fight for us to keep our rights. And that’s why I don’t think they’re all the same.

    I agree, an R or a D after a name doesn’t really mean too much.

    What really annoys me is that I think politicians forget that they aren’t our parents, that all of the power they have comes from us, and that we can take it all back.



    I hope your right. I hope there are some up there who represent us. I’m a bit skeptical of any of them at this point. Even ted cruze talks like he is our representative and then I find out his wife is a top Goldman Sachs employee. I have to question him then. McCaskill used her position to get insider info to her husband, what’s to stop him?

    I guess I wonder if we threw all of them out would it really be a case of the baby with the bathwater?


    Yup, I hear you, Echo5. I think it’s good to be skeptical of them all. Government is too important to not be always vigilant.

    The problem with throwing them all out, aside from possibly throwing the baby out with the bathwater, is that there would be a massive vacuum created, and that vacuum would definitely be filled– but by whom?


    I think my dog could fill that void…not the smart one either lol.

    It’s a fair and real question you ask. Obviously I would hope it would be constitutional patriots, but its a gamble.


    Haha! 🙂

    What concerns me is that it seems that fewer and fewer people give the constitution the weight that we do. People think that it’s okay to step on the constitution, if it “helps” us. And people don’t think we could have a government that would abuse it’s citizens. That’s a dangerous situation.


    Honestly Brandon, I bet most people don’t give a d@mn about the Constitution and it’s sad. Do you know what people care about?

    – Social Media

    – The next 4 hours in their lives

    – Upcoming weekend

    – Reality TV

    – Getting into more debt

    – Keeping up with the Jones’

    – The latest smartphone

    Honestly man, people could care less as long as they are able to go about their merry way every day. Surveillance? Monitoring? Cameras everywhere? Loss of individual rights by politicians who promise more safety and security? Ah it’s ok, as long as you don’t do anything wrong we have nothing to worry about!


    • This reply was modified 10 years, 11 months ago by PJ.

    You’re dead on, PJ. After all, the government is just making things better. And the constitution is really old anyways. And the government is just looking out for us, right?

    And as you said, as long as you don’t do anything wrong, you have nothing to worry about! If you’re not doing anything wrong, why would you care if authorities randomly showed up at your door to go through your house to look for anything illegal? Why would you care if the government reads your emails, or looks through your hard drives? After all, it’s worth giving up a little bit of privacy so that we’re all safer. Right?

    Which reminds me, I’ve been thinking about encrypting my hard drives. Have you used BitLocker or anything like that, PJ (or anyone else)? My last motherboard had a TPM (which I never used), but this one doesn’t. Just wondering how good the software only stuff is. I need to do a bit of research.


    I have absolutely no faith in Democrats.

    I tend to vote Republican as in my opinion the lesser of 2 evils and at least they have not try to take my gun rights away.

    But I guess my answer would be : Prepper


    Ranger: Good answer!

    Thanks for commenting.


    Need I say more

    Bush Clinton

    Same team.


    May I sneak in an opinion or two?

    I can’t really comment about American politics as I only know the basics:
    Republicans = our Conservative Party (Cameron/Thatcher/Churchill), only a little more to the Right.
    Democrats = our Labour Party ( Blair/Brown), only a little less to the Left.

    On the subject of the similarity between the parties, well, it SHOULD be a good thing. Perhaps people are more willing to come to a consensus these days and agree that compromise is a better way to run a country than lurching from Left to Right and back again. Some European countries have gone from Feudal to Nazi to Communist to Democracy in one human life span….that’s not good for several reasons!

    However, we’ve ended up with a bland, self-serving political class who indeed come from the same schools (most noticeably Eton) and universities (Oxford and Cambridge of course) and are completely out of touch with the reality of ordinary citizens’ lives. I can tell you that there is a great deal of resentment building up in Britain about this as wages stagnate, social mobility has all but ceased, mass European and Non-EU immigration has put pressure on our public services/resources (although provides cheap labour for the Right and more precious ‘diversity’ for the Left/Liberal) and owning your own home has become a distant dream for millions of hard working people….oh, and for the first time in their history the charity ‘Save the Children’ ran an ad campaign asking for donations to help them feed HUNGRY BRITISH CHILDREN!!

    But what to do? If we don’t vote are we disrespecting people who died so we could be free…or if we do, are we simply supporting the status quo?

    I don’t have an answer except to say: try to make a successful life for yourself and your loved ones DESPITE politicians and be a Good Samaritan to others along the way.

    I’ll get off me soap box now!

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