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Stuck in Gridlocked Traffic Yesterday

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    On the way to run some erranbds yesterday, the Wife and i got stuck for over 2 hours on the interstate in gridlocked traffic. We were at a literal dead stop during this time. Fortunately for us both, we dont mind one another’s conversation! 🙂

    After we finally got moving again, I noticed 4 vehicles in front of us on the side of the road, unrelated to the road closing. We hopped the first available exit and saw traffic had back up almost 15 miles due to this problem.

    My thoughts turned to the scenario of if this had been an evacuation scenario. We were stuck in normal, midafternoon traffic and not “OMG we have to get the F___ out of here!” traffic.

    I am sure that most of us have several ways out of our area preplanned, but I thought this might be an interesting discussion to get going.


    The highways around here are gridlocked regularly. That goes through my head, if this is how it operates when things are good, it won’t take much before it’s all useless.

    I have several routes out, but if I don’t get out early in the game I will be better off bugging in. My wife is usually pretty close, but my job sites are wherever. Just rounding up the family could mean I miss the window of opportunity. I have given all adult family members maps with alternate routes (that stop short of our property) just in case the main highway is no longer an option for whatever reason.

    The scenario you brought up is another scenario where the truck gun could become useful…


    Yea, the people walking around were kind of getting my nerves up; I was seeing how easily it would be for someone to simply smash a window or the like and help themselves. not so much worries about it at the time, but if the wife was stuck in the car alone, it might be another matter. not tryignt o sound paranoid, but the old saying about and ounce of prevention being worth a pound of cure comes into play, I think.

    Your point of bugging in is a good one as well. I tend to think in those terms, also, barring a situation making evac necessary.


    I scenario constantly. It’my normal, so I don’t think it’s paranoia. Some other contractors I work with rib me for edc, and yet they call me to run certain bids with them and ask me to bring “it” lol.

    I have had car trouble in rough areas late night, I’ve been gridlocked for hours on several occasions, my wife was grabbed out of her car years ago by some whacked out weirdo, she also had a gun pulled on her getting into her car years ago. Call me paranoid but it doesn’t take an emp to need a bag with some supplies and a carry piece.


    I worry more about the wife than myself, personally. She doesnt really feel comfortable with carrying a gun so I got her a stun gun as a compromise and keep pepper foam in the vehicles close to hand. At close range they can be very effective and shes more comfortable with these options. In my opinion, being comfortable with something like that can make all the difference in the world.


    I think at a time like that it’s important to gather as much information as possible, listening to the radio or checking cell phone for updates. No way I would spend the night out there in my vehicle, at some point I would change clothes and shoes…ruck up and head for the nearest safe zone. Gotta be ready at all times.


    I definitely carry for those around me and not for myself. If I am called home so be it, but it’s my responsibility to protect the family. As of now they still kind of need me around, so I have a small responsibility to get home too.

    My wife is not comfortable with cc at all. She sees the need for it, but is a bit skittish and untrained and that’s a really bad combo. She loves that I have it but she won’t carry. I’m glad she knows her limits on that one, and she has started shooting more, but she doesn’t have the mindset for it.


    this is one reason I don’t use British Motorways, we got stuck a few years ago on a motorway after a vehicle caught fire, we were left in a traffic jamb of non moving traffic for over 2 hours, so I generally use back roads and go across country these days. a very good prepping friend of mine (ex military) told me about 5 years ago that the forces call motorways and A roads(main roads in the UK) “killing fields” for a very good reason, so stay off them post SHTF.

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