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Watches Anyone?

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    I am generally NOT a watch person. My wife knows that I don’t particularly care for jewelry at all, to be honest I probably only wear my wedding ring 50% of the time (if we are going out somewhere). I hate the feeling of dogtags around my neck so I often stuff them in a back pocket, attached to a belt loop. I don’t wear right hand rights, necklaces or bracelets.

    I do wear watches when out in the field, gotta know what time it is. I also use them to time my runs or workouts as an iPhone isn’t exactly portable like that.

    All that said I think it might be time for a NEW watch. I’ve had a crusty old Ironman for a while now, and probably had 3 other Ironman’s prior to that. Here’s the biggest constraint: I cannot wear anything on my wrist that isn’t metal or cloth. All of those plastic or rubber type watch bands will make me break out in a rash. That’s why I tend to stick with the cloth ironman watches, although they REEK after 6 months of wear.

    I was looking at this Luminox, but there is no stopwatch on there which gives me pause…

    • This topic was modified 10 years, 11 months ago by PJ.

    I’m not too bothered about watches, I normally wear one but its a cheap one-£5 or £6 certainly nothing over £10(a bout $6) if the battery runs out its cheaper to buy another watch than replace the battery.


    I just can’t wear watches. They are either uncomfortable for me or I break them. I need to get one and just keep it in the pack, maybe a pocket watch type.


    I just picked up a new watch. Retail this thing goes for $300 to $400, got it on Amazon for $222 and free shipping. Pretty excited and will conduct a nice review once I’ve put it through the paces.

    Casio Pathfinder


    I just wish I could find a reasonably priced classic wind-up watch instead of these battery operated doo-dahs. Just like bigpaul, I end up throwing cheaper watches away when they run out of juice.

    And don’t get me started on the life span of shoes and boots…

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