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Keymasterso like a section where we can just shoot the breeze and hang out? I think I have your solution. Standby….
KeymasterI like to watch Top Gear sometimes, such a good show.
Keymasterman that is sweet! Keep us posted on your test results for the well, I’m certaily jealous at this point
KeymasterDefinitely recommend an AR, why not compliment what you already have at home. Keep it behind the back seat in a case or whatever, easily accessible if you need it. Of course this means you’ll probably need some sort of kit in order to carry spare mags 🙂
KeymasterI think at a time like that it’s important to gather as much information as possible, listening to the radio or checking cell phone for updates. No way I would spend the night out there in my vehicle, at some point I would change clothes and shoes…ruck up and head for the nearest safe zone. Gotta be ready at all times.
KeymasterRangerRIck, welcome and thanks for sharing your story. Look forward to seeing more comments based on your years of experience!
Keymasterreference running, and longer distance “jogs.” I hate it personally and while it makes me sweaty I usually get bored and finish feeling like I just wasted a whole lot of time. Instead I usually try to run 2 miles as hard as I can, and then include a 3rd mile of interval sprints using stoplights or other landmarks. Really good stuff…
Keymasterone of the best things I did was buy the heavy duty dump truck sized pooper scooper. Every week I go out back with the pooper scooper in one hand and a trash bag lined 5 gallon bucket in the other. It is…disgusting.
KeymasterJ and E5C, great stuff! Don’t mind if I interject a few thoughts.
– Everyone is different, what works for some might not work for others…we need to find what we like to do with respect to working out and that will increase the probability of sticking with it
– Although we are all different the concept remains the same: burn more than you take in and hopefully the results will come
– Consistency is key. One hard workout a week offset by pizza and beer is almost meaningless
– I hate calorie counting, if you are a Marine you know what’s good and what isn’t. Eat SMART, try to limit your carb intake throughout the day and go no carbs after 4pm. THAT will make a difference.
– Remember much of what the military teaches is decent but some of it is old school, don’t be afraid to try new things. I haven’t done a flutter kick in years but there are alternate exercises which accomplish the same thing
– Don’t try to kill yourself too soon, it will only bring about discouragement. Set small achievable goals and work toward a 6 month end state
Hope that helps!
KeymasterWhat do you mean by truck/pack gun? Something which is easily stored in a pack or something which is easily accessible and ready to go? I like pistols for quick access, if I have to go for a rifle it will take a bit more time.
I second your endorsement of candles. When the power went out a few years ago we cooked over them and it was quite successful actually.
KeymasterOk more brags about my dog…
One of the BENEFITS of a large and intimidating dog is this: I ran errands this weekend with my dog in the cab of my pickup truck. Every time I parked somewhere I left my doors unlocked, windows halfway down, keys in the ignition, sometimes wallet in the cupholder. No worries!
If you can open the door of my truck and get inside without getting absolutely destroyed I guess you deserve everything that’s inside. LOL
Ref your food cooking techniques. In an environment like you describe where everyone lives in close proximity cooking out on the grill would be stupid. Like you mentioned dry food or boil in bag meals would be the best option. Boiling water creates no smell, just reconstitute the food and you are good to go. Just BE CAREFUL with how you dispose of the trash!
If you are looking for some legit survival food, check out some Datrex bars. One of our sponsors has them in stock, Each pack has 2400 calories, might be good to stockpile a few just in case.
Keymasterone of the issues I face with my GSD is that he will kill just about anything besides our two other dogs. I barely intervened to keep him off of a chicken but his prey drive is super strong. He goes after birds, chickens, rabbits, turkeys, even insects. Anyone that is not part of the pack is suspect…
That’s one trait I wish he didn’t have
Keymastermy perfect dog would guard the home, mow my yard and fetch me a beer. 🙂
But seriously I think a good combination of watch / guard dog and companion makes the best combo for guys like us. I have smaller dogs which are great because they alert to strangers, eat very little and take little poops…but on the other hand they offer no guard dog capabilities nor are they intimidating. My GSD on the other hand is a superb guard dog and very overzealous when it comes to protecting us in public. On the downside he eats ALOT and can be somewhat difficult to control if he tries to do something outside the scope of what I want.
Bottom line, GSD is the perfect dog! Glad you got one (even if mixed).