I’m pleased to annouce that I’ve partnered with RainyDayFoods.com to bring you all a 10% off Coupon to be used on their website. Storage foods / supplies are an essential part of the preparedness process, be it for short term outages or the localized natural disasters that we see manifesting themselves throughout the country. I have personally spoken with the owners of Rainy Day Foods and vetted them before presenting them to you all, they have been in this business for decades and have sent semi truck loads of food storage supplies time and time again. They live what they preach and I do hope to continue to do business with them going forward, a owner/operator company vs one of the larger big box store types I’ve worked with in the past.
Please use this coupon code while on their website to save 10% off your purchase. They have all sorts of food and water storage products, grinders / mixers, dryers, emergency medical and other supplies.
Soup and MRE’s
I was able to secure a few supplies for my own prep stash while working with the folks at Rainy Day Foods. I needed a new box of MRE’s because some of the supply that I have are currently coming up at the end of their shelf life (5-7 years or so). Additionally I do like buckets, they store easily and have a nice (longer) shelf life, in this instance I went with a soup mix which will compliment the other supplies I have nicely.
The Bottom Line
Storage and emergency supplies are just one part of a balanced prep plan, but an essential part nonetheless. As I type this folks are facing serious flooding in some parts of the country and wildfires and other disasters are waiting just around the corner. Stay ready and have what you need on hand, don’t be the guy standing in the long line at the grocery store trying to snatch that last case of water or canned food.
I had a TERRIBLE experience with them, Can you
suggest a better place?
I’ve used Costco.com (they have an emergency preparedness section), beprepared.com and readymaderesources.com all with success. Sorry to hear.