Tag: Survival

When the SHTF, you will still have to poop


I have been very close to burning mixtures of fecal matter, urine, and diesel fuel and I can tell you the smell is pretty disgusting.  You never quite get used to it, nor does your appetite fully recover.  Quite often people forget that everybody poops, and should the power go out for an extended period …

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Storage food tips for preppers

Starting a food storage plan can be a bit overwhelming at first. Canned food, freeze dried, dehydrated, shelf life, rotation cycles and many other factors can be confusing at first. Quite often people simply do not know where to begin and they end up spinning their wheels or spending unnecessary money. Had they done their …

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The Dangers of Facebook

Social media is a great way to tell everyone all about your life, and maybe people you don’t want knowing as well.  Think your privacy settings mean you are covered?  Think again.  Additionally what is social media even becoming?  People are way too addicted to sharing every part of their lives with all of these …

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The value of a bicycle after SHTF


The average person can walk about 3 to 4 miles per hour, or 20 to 15 minutes per mile.  Let’s give the average person the benefit of the doubt and say they are in rather decent shape, so 15 minute miles will be our standard (walking).  According to the Commuter Analysis Report the average one …

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How to buy a gun, and what to do after.

I spent time out at the range this weekend and trolling around in a few gun stores, picking over products I probably already have and don’t need or want and still don’t need.  There were lots of other people out there as well and through general observation I noticed just how many were completely unfamiliar …

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When they don’t agree with you

Friends are one thing, but what about when you have close family members who refuse to get on board with your prepping lifestyle?  This presents a difficult problem to solve and it is more prominent than you might think.  You are left feeling somewhat alone on your journey, but the urgency of the situation dictates …

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Ammo can ideas

Ammo Can at Prepper-Resources.com

Ammo cans are a prepper’s best friend. 30 cal and 50 cal seem to be the most popular variety of ammo cans although they come in all sizes.  Some time spent searching around online will yield decent prices ($9-$12 each). Besides storing ammunition there are quite few additional uses for these cans, it would seem …

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Prepper Skill: Homemade wine.

By Ranger W. Sept 25 2012 Many sites proclaim the need for skills. While I totally agree, most stop at just recommending survival or homesteading skills. If you are like me you say “ok, I’ll order a few books, then what?” Here is a practical approach to improving/adding to your skill sets. Most people living …

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The Prepper Pyramid

Prepper Pyramid from Prepper-Resources dot com

I was out for a bike ride today and pondering a good way to get across how to prioritize while prepping.  Personally I see nothing wrong with excel spreadsheets sorted and filtered for results, but those are just boring.  How could I come up with a simple graphic which quickly gives the reader a snapshot …

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“Democracy cannot survive too much ignorance…”

Check out this interview conducted recently with former Supreme Court Justice David Souter. Justice Souter addresses one of the most pervasive problems in our country: the civic ignorance of the general public. How is it possible that 2/3 of our country doesn’t even know that we have three branches of government? Then again with all of the distractions …

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More Affordable Solar Power

By Dan Chiras August/September 2012 If you’ve ever considered installing a home solar electric system and generating your electricity with free, renewable energy, now’s a great time to look at your options. In recent years, prices for solar systems have plummeted thanks to increased demand, mass production and intense competition among manufacturers. Generous government financial …

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Often overlooked prepping items

Beans and bullets, probably the largest and well known reference to stockpiling food and weapons when it comes to prepping.  Yet a large stockpile of these items alone will not guarantee your safety or survival if the S Hits The Fan.  The following is a short list of often overlooked items that many preppers fail …

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Apartment Prepping Considerations

According to the National Multi-Housing Council, about 34% of the US population lives in apartments.  That’s 40,119,000 renters.  If we were to include condo owners I’m sure the stat would be at least twice as large.  The point is that there are quite a few people who are prepping who share space with other individuals. …

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Refining your BugOut strategy.

BugOut Shelf Unit

The concept of “Bugging Out” is a popular one amongst preppers. The term BugOut refers to quickly getting out of a bad situation before it turns into a really bad and possibly life threatening situation. When threatened by a hurricane, wildfire, chemical spill, or even volcanic eruption people are forced to BugOut whether they like …

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Two is one and one is none.

You have spent the last few years prepping for some impending disaster.  You have been diligent in your work and have a well rounded plan, you have paid attention to current events and knew it would be coming.  You have enough food and supplies to last your family for one year, possibly more.  However despite …

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