Tag: Survivalism

Update: Post election gun / magazine / ammo prices.

Eight days ago I made a post which has turned out to be insanely popular, one of the most linked to items on this site.  I decided to track the pricing and availability of a few popular guns, magazines and bulk ammunition directly before and after the election.  It was just a fun exercise as I …

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Traveling for Thanksgiving, Prepper Style.

Thanksgiving is quickly approaching, and with that there is a very good chance that many Americans will travel in order to be with family. Some 43.6 million Americans are expected to travel at least 50 miles from home for the Thanksgiving holiday, a slight increase over the 43.3 million people who traveled last year, according …

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The Priorities of Work

The S has Hit The Fan with full force, you have been forced to evacuate your home and are on the move to your Bugout location. You might be in a vehicle, on a bicycle, or on foot. Most likely you are with a group of people, your immediate family and a couple close friends …

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Doomsday Preppers on National Geographic

A new season of Doomsday Preppers airs on the National Geographic Channel today. From the Nat Geo website: Doomsday Preppers explores the lives of otherwise ordinary Americans who are preparing for the end of the world as we know it. Unique in their beliefs, motivations, and strategies, preppers will go to whatever lengths they can …

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Bugout Checklist

Bugging out is a huge topic of interest within the prepper community.  Whether getting out ahead of a storm or leaving the homestead after all options have been exhausted (post collapse) the need to bug out is a very real possibility and should be thought through (and practiced) at length.  I recently wrote about refining …

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The Ruger Mini-14, a great alternative to the AR-15.

I’ve written extensively about my love for the AR-15 platform.  How I believe it to be one of the best choices for a SHTF gun, based on a myriad of factors.  Still there are other time tested, proven (and cheaper) platforms out there that can hold their own, the Ruger Mini-14 being one of them. …

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Prepping for the short term

Yesterday I wrote about all of the Black Swans that we are collectively facing as a nation. All of the potential problems which lie ahead, some sooner than others, which by themselves or combined will have a destructive impact on the world as we know it. In addition to those Black Swans we have just …

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Tales of the Unprepared

Dumpster Diving

By now you are well informed as to the situation which unfolded in the northeastern US after Hurricane Sandy passed through, specifically in NYC and New Jersey. Looting and violence have broken out in small pockets, people are dumpster diving for food, water is not potable in many areas (or even available) and lines for …

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Holiday gift ideas for Preppers

Optimus Nova Stove

We are less than two months away from Christmas. Now that Halloween is over you will see retail outlets gearing up for that glorious season of spending and excess during which time many people will try to wear out the magnetic strip on the back of their credit card.  Live in the moment, worry about finance charges …

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OPSEC Basics: Your life shouldn’t be an open book.

I recently took a regional flight which lasted about 1.5 hours.  I flew on one of those jets where you actually have to fold yourself into the seat and the overhead compartments are large enough to stow a pop tart in.  I would guess a total of 75 people fit on that aircraft, which was …

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The Power Grid: Our Achilles’ Heel

You come home from a long day at work and hit the garage door button inside your car, the door opens and you pull inside.  You step inside your home, disarm your alarm and flip a few switches on the wall, the lights come on.  Opening the refrigerator door you reach inside to grab a …

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When will your Hygiene Supplies run out?


Imagine if you had to live for 2 weeks with no hygiene products.  Just living your normal everyday life, going to work and to the gym, out to dinner or maybe a movie.  No brushing your teeth, no deodorant, no shaving, no lotion, no feminine products and no showers.  I would venture a wild guess …

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Medical Supply Kits and Planning

German Trauma Kit

I was recently over at GA’s website, Survive2balive.com and read a post about a few of the medical supplies he recommended for everyday first aid.  This got me thinking about my own medical supply plan, how I got started and eventually improved it.  I think it is very important to have a wide range of …

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9 Meals Away From Anarchy

How much food do you have in your home right now?  If you are like most people (and I hope that you aren’t) you probably have enough to last a couple days or more.  This combined with the fact that our stores use a just in time delivery system mean that any interruption to the …

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Reloading Ammunition. How to get started.

Lee Reloading Stand

Reloading your own ammunition has many distinct advantages over buying pre-assembled factory ammo. Reloading can save you up to half the cost of retail prices and it does not require a huge up front initial investment to get into.  Through patience and careful study you will learn so much about the process that you will …

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