Armed Protesters in Michigan
This post might be speculative intertwined with a bit of what could be considered conspiracy-ish but the good news is being over prepared never really hurt anyone. In short I’m thinking this is the lull before the real storm during which we might face even greater challenges than we saw in the spring. A few key factors at play here:
- Covid 19 and all associated implications
- All of the civil unrest we are witnessing
- Elections
This is where things get a little conspiracy-ish but if I were to frame this up in a phased operation it would go something like this:
- Phase 1: Prep Phase
- Phase 2: CV and associated lockdowns
- Phase 3: Civil Unrest / Restrictions from CV lifted (we are here)
- Phase 4: Restrictions from CV gradually walked back into place
- Phase 5: Elections
What I’m Preparing For
Here is where the danger lies, you take a nation that is already on edge and conditioned to tear sh*t all to pieces and re-introduce more lockdowns and then host an election…a powder keg ready to explode. If the Dems win the election you’ll have all of these “patriot” types showing up with their Gadsden flags, ARs and poorly fitting Condor body armor to “take the country back” from a “rigged election” (read: something about Soros and TPTB). A real danger here of some armed conflict taking place. If the Repubs win the election you’ll have more of the liberal types quite literally rioting in the streets and burning things to the ground with police completely ineffective and not able to contain, they will claim a rigged election (read: something about Russia and China and collusion). No matter who “wins” the losing side will call foul play and the winning side will say “the people have spoken” and “deal with it.” Damn…I despise politics and my excessive use of quotation marks, but I digress.
How I’m Preparing
To be honest not much has changed from a day to day perspective but most of our preparation involves the financial aspect of things. Here are a few examples of how we have moved some things around in order to prepare as best we can.
- I pulled out my available vested stocks after the market recovered and tossed them into much more accessible outlets, some of which includes straight up cash and precious metals.
- My wife did the same with some of her retirement, to supplement already existing savings.
- We are making no major purchases at this time, no planned travel, no commitments financially other than our standard stuff. That 7.62 Suppressor that I’ve been eyeing can wait, along with the bathroom remodel.
Really all of this boils down to having some readily available financial backstops should the economy take yet another turn for the worse, a job loss occurs or who knows what else. I’m not worried about running out of food, toilet paper or getting into some civil unrest spawned gunfight in the streets. The good news is that if all is good and I am completely wrong on all accounts the worst we will have to face are a little more in owed taxes next year.
No Protests For Me
I thought I’d include this in here – everyone should be entitled to an opinion and to speak their mind however you won’t find me at any protests for any reason. If folks want to go out there and march about the racial inequalities in our country (which are still very much alive and well today) I think they should do it. If folks want to go out there and wave flags and talk about patriotism and the founding fathers and the constitution, I think they should do it. The issue is that these things never really work out well (bad actors typically not associated with the real message using these as an opportunity to bring about violence) and as such I tend to avoid them. I think that any of these types who are talking about a civil war and all that sh*t are complete idiots, people like to talk a big game but in reality aren’t about anything other than an extra large Baconator and fries at Wendy’s. My responsibility lies with my family and that means I need to be here for them, my decision matrix starts and ends with that. Cue the guy in the comments section: “Imagine if our founding fathers thought like that….”
Final Thoughts
If there was one thing I could impart it is this: Don’t get lulled into a sense of false security, that we are somehow on the path back to “normal” and that all will be good soon enough. Personally I believe we are in for a reasonably shaky summer and a bad fall during which the key will be to stay aware and avoid as much conflict as possible. The goal here is to come out on the other side safely and securely – hopefully retaining a source of income and all family good to go. None of us can do anything more than speculate at what TPTB have planned and how it will impact our lives but what we can control is typically right in front of us…focus on that and let come what may.
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P.J. You are so right. The coming months are going to be very trying for our nation. I have my own thoughts, ideas and assumptions, but they are mine and I don’t force them on anyone else.
My main objective is to make sure my family is safe and prepared for what ever comes our way. There were some peaceful rallies in the closest town to us but still approximately 45 minute back road drive from us. We are off the beaten path so to speak. I will restock some supplies used during the quarantine. Still in pretty good shape. Have left the house only 5 times since Valentine’s Day. No problem at all. Plenty of projects, books, movies, learning opportunities.I
I do miss our off shore fishing trips. Will eat up the fish from the freezer. Hopefully a short trip in the fall. “Freezer run”.
Stay safe, trust in God. He has his hand on this!!!!
That’s it, take the time to re-stock on some of the supplemental items since you are good to go on the major stuff. For us it’s stuff like spices, more coffee, aluminum pans for baking and other misc items. If there were shortages the first time around I suspect the second time around it might be worse.
Good post. We thought the first wave curve was flattening but then a bunch of people and a bunch of places gave up on masks and physical distancing, so the virus is roaring back. Stock up on what you need now. Supply chain disruption is going to make anything we saw before look like a little glitch in the system.
Great call on the supply chain disruption. Stock up.
If the pattern of other pandemics is repeated this first wave is just a practice run for what will be coming later this year. Learn from what you have just experienced and prepare accordingly.
In this, you and I think alike. I am doing my best to keep a low profile and avoid a lot of the areas where stuff is going on, as well. I think the run up to election time and the aftermath, no matter who wins, is going to be a bit spicy, at times. I am basing this on memories of the last election and the seeming general attitude of society in general.
I have learned, throughout my life, to trust my gut instincts.
I am not forecasting another Civil War or saying its time to by a bunker or disappear into the wilds of Alaska. I do see more growing pains for us as a society, for lack of a better term. I think the future will get, at times, a bit more intense than things have been.
I suggest keeping a weather eye on the horizon.
P I you have a recommendation on a solar generator. Hubby insist our gas one is enough. Not!!!!!
Thinking ahead doesn’t hurt.
Goal Zero makes some good stuff: https://www.goalzero.com/product-features/portable-power-stations/
Yep!7/3 and state alerts going out on virus sweeping across several counties here in GA. Probably more in a few weeks after 4th gatherings. Glad we live in the boonies!!!!
Thanks! Been looking at Goal Zero & reviews.
Had short power outage today. Got a chance to test a solar radio & charger. Also a Red Cross FR-300 crank radio. Neither one would charge my cell phone, Kindle Tablet or music player. Recently ordered a new model solar chaeger. Will try it out next. The two above mentioned radios got local stations but no weather band. Could be we are too far out in the boonies. Going to check my racing scanners to see if they pick up weather band. Got to dig them out of attic first.
Note!!! Done leave regular batteries in the rechargeable items. Had to clean off some corrosion. Checking other items next.
Glad we live in the boonies? Thinking now not far enough. 45 minutes to Interstate 20. 2 hours to downtown Atlanta, 2 hours to Augusta, 1:50 to Athens GA, a college town.
Atlanta has National Guard now!
A rally in town 30 minutes away over NOT to removing Confederate Statue in City Park on 13th! Not going!
4 friends have virus from blowback! Didn’t know anyone with it before.
Getting a little nervous!!!!
P J, you have recommendations on scanner. Got a few but old and analog. Same with the radios I mentuoned! Got new radio on order along with solar charger.
Basic Prepper supplies flying off the shelf or completely out of stock. Was trying to refresh my spices & pantry staples but either out of stock or way overpriced. Canning veggies from neighbor garden overflow. Trading figs for pears to make preserves. Watching crabapple tree, hope to get them before the deer! Got venison left from last year & fish all vacuum sealed. Will get fresh venison when season opens. Looks like lots of people prepping now.
Still want solar generator just to run freezer & small fridge.
Will be fine with out electricity if shtf!